Designing Futures,
Building Careers

Take the Next Step Toward Professional Success


Career Compass

A weekly LinkedIn newsletter that explores diverse career-related topics, offering insights and guidance to navigate the complexities of the modern job market

Career Coaching & Consulting

Help individuals tailor their professional paths, enhance their job search strategies, and optimize their professional profiles

Career Resources

E-books and online crash courses aimed at further developing employability and soft skills, providing tools and knowledge essential for career advancement and personal growth

Career Resources

Discover the job search strategy that will secure your next great career opportunity! Available in both ebook and paperback on Amazon.


Job Search Kit

Take a qualitative leap in your career with our personalized consulting service. Whether you’re crafting a “resume” for the North American job market or a “CV” for opportunities in the UK, Ireland, and beyond, we understand the nuances and requirements of each. In North America, a “resume” is a concise document showcasing your skills and experiences, typically used for a wide range of job applications. In contrast, the term “CV” (Curriculum Vitae) is used in places like the UK, where it serves a similar purpose but often with slightly different expectations in terms of detail and format. The Job Search Kit is crafted to ensure that no matter where you are applying, your professional portfolio will meet local standards and help you stand out in a competitive job market.

Here, we will not only review and enhance your application documents but also transform your LinkedIn profile into a powerful tool for capturing opportunities. These instruments are your voice, strategically designed to open doors in the job market. With our help, each element of your professional portfolio will be a key piece in building a successful career. This is not just about beautifying documents—it’s a complete makeover of your professional image, ensuring you stand out in a competitive world.

On average, recruiters spend 3.14 minutes fully reading a candidate’s resume, and often make a decision within the first minute—1 in 5 recruiters actually rejects a candidate even before finishing reading the resume (The Undercover Recruiter)

Clear and concise formatting makes for quicker reading and analysis and is visually more appealing. Did you know that 83% of recruiters prefer candidates with a well-formatted resume and 68% of hiring managers would reject a candidate due to a poorly formatted resume (Jobvite 2022 Job Seeker Nation Report)?

63% of hiring managers prefer one-page resumes (Indeed). However, summarizing all professional experience and academic background on one or two pages (for the more experienced), while ensuring that relevant information remains, can be a real challenge.

Only 37% of recruiters look for information about the professional objective on the resume, but 72% of hiring managers are more likely to hire someone with a well-written summary of their skills and experiences (Qureos).

When professional experience is not substantial, 86% of employers tend to value transferable skills such as problem-solving ability (Qureos). Moreover, internship and volunteer experiences are significant differentiators, but it’s not always easy to understand how to integrate these experiences into the resume.

41% of hiring managers recruit based on the cover letter, and 45% have rejected qualified candidates due to a poorly written cover letter (Indeed & Glassdoor’s Hiring and Workplace Trends Report 2023).

An outstanding LinkedIn profile can significantly enhance your visibility to recruiters and hiring managers. A well-optimized LinkedIn profile complements your resume by providing a more comprehensive view of your professional persona. It should include a professional photo, a compelling summary, and detailed descriptions of your work experience and skills. Additionally, endorsements and recommendations from colleagues amplify credibility. Importantly, 87% of recruiters regularly use LinkedIn, making an optimized profile not just useful, but crucial for job search success (Recruiter Flow).

With 64% of employers using applicant tracking systems (ATS), having an ATS-optimized resume is essential (Qureos).

If you're looking for...

A Career Change

If you are looking for professional opportunities in a different field than before or if your professional history does not fully justify the role you currently wish to undertake.

Returning After a Break

If you are re-entering the job market after a career break (long-term unemployment, sabbatical, extended leave…).

Refreshing Your Approach to the Job Market

If you have not been job hunting for some time and need to update your active search strategy.

Securing Job Interviews

If you have been struggling to secure job interviews so far.

Condensing Your Experience

When you have a long professional journey and need help summarizing it without losing relevant information.

Aumentar Hipóteses de Entrevista

Se tem tido dificuldades em conseguir entrevistas de emprego até ao momento.

Why invest in a professional service for revising and optimizing job market communication tools: CV/Resume, Cover Letter, LinkedIn profile?

How it works... in 3 easy steps!


Schedule the Discovery Session

Fill out the form and choose a date and time at least 48 hours in advance and confirm payment for the selected service.


Attend the Session

Enjoy a 60-minute individual online session for a detailed and in-depth exploration of your professional journey.


Receive the Information

Receive the resulting documents by email within 5 business days! The optimization will ensure the best way to showcase your professional brand and value proposition to the market.

I will help you build a stellar...

Senior/Executive CV/Resume

For professionals with 5+ years of experience

Detailed analysis of career path (both professional and academic), definition of personal brand and value proposition, discussion of achievements and goals.

A personalized and distinctive CV, visually appealing and ATS-proof, highlighting the most relevant experiences, skills, and achievements for your career goal.

5 business days, with the possibility of a round of revisions.

Early Career CV/Resume

For professionals with up to 5 years of experience

Discussion about academic, professional, and extracurricular trajectory, skills, and career goals.

A structured, impactful CV, visually appealing and ATS-proof, capable of highlighting your potential and skills, with an emphasis on your value proposition and career objectives.

5 business days, with the possibility of a round of revisions.

Cover Letter

Generic cover letter that you can use for any job application

Identification of target roles and companies.

A generic yet adaptable cover letter that highlights your skills and experiences, aligning them with the needs of a future employer.

2-3 business days, with the possibility of a round of revisions.

LinkedIn Profile

Build/optimize your LinkedIn profile

Discussion of professional goals and key skills. Detailed analysis of existing information and/or CV/resume.

A document with content ready to be imported into your LinkedIn profile. Attractive and professional content that reflects your brand and is capable of attracting career opportunities in your field of professional interest (includes optimization of profile picture, headline, summary, professional experience, academic background, skills, and applicable optional sections). Special focus on including relevant keywords to enhance visibility to recruiters and LinkedIn’s search systems.

5 business days, with the possibility of a round of revisions.

Available Options

Early Career CV/Resume (less than 5 years of experience)​


Tax Included

Early Career Pack – CV/Resume + Cover Letter


Tax Included

Senior/Executive CV/Resume
(5+ years of experience)


Tax Included

Senior/Executive Pack – CV/Resume + Cover Letter


Tax Included

Full Pack – CV/Resume + Cover Letter + LinkedIn Profile


Tax Included

Meet Rita Santos Silva

Career Highights

“What do I want to be when I grow up?” Believe it or not, even with 15 years of career guidance experience, this question still resonates with me. Why? Because of my own journey, which was anything but linear. I remember the drama of the psychometric tests in 9th grade which, instead of guiding me, showed me a canvas of vibrant colors, all screaming for equal attention. From the initial uncertainty between human genetics and the genetics of emotions—which had me oscillating between Biology and Psychology—to my deep dive into Clinical Psychology, before realizing that my true passion was helping others discover their passions and design successful careers.

My multiple passions, ranging from music and dance to martial arts and even crafts, not only made me an “eternal learner,” but also gave me deep empathy for those who feel lost in the vast sea of vocational opportunities.

Throughout my career, I’ve had the privilege of guiding hundreds of young people and professionals, from the earliest stages of training to high executives. This enriching experience was crucial for understanding the multiple dimensions of career trajectories. My decision to pursue a Ph.D. in the area of transferable skills and professional integration, combined with my training and experience in human resources, focusing on recruitment and selection (a subject I also have the pleasure of teaching!), not only broadened my view of the market dynamics but also allowed me to refine and innovate the strategies and approaches I use. Thus, I am always looking for the best ways to help people achieve their professional goals.

If you’re looking for someone who knows what it’s like to be uncertain, who has danced to many rhythms, and who has turned that dance into a life mission to guide others… Well, it seems you’ve come to the right place! Shall we dance? 😊🌟

Let yourself be inspired by the real and transformative stories of those who have successfully navigated the path to success under my guidance.


“From interview preparation to defending my internship report, what stands out to me is the great adaptability of the program and the coach herself to each student. [...] Today, I can understand the purpose and affirm with certainty that the support given to me by Rita made all the difference at the start of my career.”
Territory Sales Manager @ Schuler Ibérica
“I strongly recommend training with Rita to all those looking to enter the job market with confidence and strategy. Rita is extremely competent and provides highly relevant information for young people seeking professional success.”
Graphic Designer | Digital Marketing @ SPASO ZEN - Wellness & Beauty
“In times of career uncertainty and unemployment, we always look for the best paths and solutions to emerge from it. That's why I sought out Rita. She not only guided me and taught me how to use the tools available around us, but she also brought out the best in me to face the job market. In the end, I achieved the desired results: employment, stability, and prospects for career advancement. Thank you, Rita."
“Understanding what you want is very important, but being sure of what you do not want is even more so. Rita was crucial in this process, always available, an incredible professional, a natural mentor, and very good advisor.”
Historian @ERT Têxtil Portugal, S.A.




+351 910 486 054


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